Monday, July 18, 2011

photo to painting

My ex-girlfriend asked me a while ago if she could paint some of the photos I took. I recenty foudn this on facebook. Top is the photo I took and below is the painting of it (which sold for a grand by the way).

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Old and New

I found a photographer that finds people with old photos and takes new photos that look the same except for the fact that time has passed and the people look older.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Photos That Tell Stories

I was looking through the old photos I took from a debate related trip to Harvard University a few months ago. Going with my debate team, we ate as a group and has a challenging time with the bill. I think this photo tells the story quite well.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Self Portrait

A few days ago someone mentioned to me that I take tons of photos, but seldom of myself. I took the liberty to finally do a self portrait. Unlike most of the photos I take where I make poeple look better, I think I did a good job of making myself look worse. One person on facebook commented this...
    • You look like golum
      19 hours ago · · 1 person
facebook aside, I shot the photo on my plain 50mm lens and this was shot at f/1.4. I cranked up the clarity giving the effect that my face is really bumpy or something. This is just extra added detail in the photo. I also added grain. Opposites of what I usually do, again. I always turn down the clarity as you can see in the 2nd photo of my good friend, Rhonda. The colors and hues in the two photos are similar, however, sharpness reveals a sharp difference between the two.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Interesting Folks

The city I currently live in, Asheville, North Carolina, has remarkably interesting people. I've decided to capture them with my 50mm lens. I'll walk up and down the streets of downtown literally just looking for interesting people. I got about three of four really great shots out of about fifty or so. Here is one of my personal favorites.

The Hangover

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Sigma 50mm

My newest addition to the egg farm (my lens collection) is the Sigma 50mm f/1.4. I bought it because I wanted a higher end lens than the Canon 50mm 1.4 but did not want to shell out nearly $1600 for the slight upgrade from the Canon 50mm 1.2. My choice for the Sigma 50mm seems to be a good one. It’s really sharp and it’s great for photos with a shallow depth of field.

This photo was taken by Oliver Sholder

Taken at f/2 on a table in Brooklyn, NY