Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Photography Work

This summer I have been keeping myself somewhat busy by taking photos - but not just taking photos, taking photos for money. Primarily two things: senior portraits and weddings. Here is the deal with this line of work - it's fun and it pays well, but finding work sucks. It just sucks. Sometimes you get lucky and you find someone looking for a photographer, or better yet someone looking for a photographer finds you and contacts you. But in the world we live in, most of the time you have to fight for your work and I really mean fight for it. I like to refer to the phenomenon as a price war.
Today it's so easy to get into photography - invest a few hundred and get a crummy DSLR and a kit lens. Then snap a few photos, call yourself a photographer, and attempt to make money. Of course, you keep your prices low. Then the professional photographer who lives off the money he makes from photography does not know what to do when your charging $40 an hour for weddings and the pro is charging $400 an hour. Usually I'd say they are in diferent markets just like how while a BMW and a honda are both cars, the BMW is better quality and thefore costs more. However, in this economy, people are looking to save money in any place they can, and photography is a place they can...


  1. I agree it is REALLY hard! How do you cope with this?

  2. I just focus on taking the best photos I can. I don't really worry about what others are doing.
