After talking to my good friend, Willem, former president of the photography club at my high school, Asheville High, I decided to take on the challenge of reviving the club that died. Today was the second meeting today and we had a good show up - around 10ish. Mr. Williams, the club sponsor is an awesome man who loves to talk about old cameras and all sorts of things photography. This meeting we just talked but next meeting we are planning on taking some photos of sports teams around the high school.
One thing that surprised me was the sheer number of people who brought film cameras. I thought film was dead with our great digital age, but I was wrong. After the discussions, I decided to try out film, or at least check out film cameras. I decided to check these kinds of out and lucky i had some at home - a 1970s Pentax K1000 and the wonderful 1950s Kodak Pony 135. They are cool and I like the feel, but I still prefer digital by a lot, however, I can see the enjoyment of the classical film.